目前分類:澤天法王的智慧甘露分享 (8)

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               Song of Om Mani Payme Hum ( Song of The Sun And Moon )

                        唵  嘛  呢  貝  美  吽                          ( 日 月 之 歌 )


                太陽正在升起   , 而我卻不知道我會去那裏

              The Sun's coming up and I don't know where I'll go

                整個世界都誤入岐途 , 貪婪佔據了人們的心靈

              The whole world's gone wrong and greed owns man's mind


                但我會唱     唵 嘛 呢 貝 美 吽

              But I'll just sing  om mani peme hum ,

                唵 嘛 呢 貝 美 吽  ,  日子一天天地過

               om mani peme hum and take it one day at a time

                唵 嘛 呢 貝 美 吽   , 為了這世界的一點平靜

               Om mani peme hum for the some peace in this world

                唵 嘛 呢 貝 美 吽  ,  為了這世界的一點愛

               Om mani peme hum for some love  in this world

                唵 嘛 呢 貝 美 吽  ,  為了下面的苦難

               Om mani peme hum  for the suffering below

                唵 嘛 呢 貝 美 吽  ,  為了上面的尊者

               Om mani peme  hum  for the noble one's above

                唵 嘛 呢 貝 美 吽  ,  為了餵養餓鬼

               Om mani  peme hum to feed the ghosts

                唵 嘛 呢 貝 美 吽  ,  為了治療病痛

               Om mani peme hum heal sick

                唵 嘛 呢 貝 美 吽   , 為了洞悉疑惑

               Om mani peme hum to penetrate confusion

                要 去 看 穿 疑 惑    , 不管有多深重

                To penetrate confusion ,  no matter how thick


                太 陽 正 在 落 下   ,  月 亮 正 在 升 起

               The Sun's going down and the Moon's rising up

                我對所有眾生最深的心願    ,   就是

               My deepest wish I wish for all

                唵 嘛 呢 貝 美 吽  ,  把你們的 杯子盛滿

                Is that om mani peme hum fills your cup .


                ~ 節錄澤天松贊閉關法王詩歌集( Doha)~



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Dearest Dharma Brother and Sisters :

親愛的佛法兄弟姐妹們 :


 I wish you a very happy, healthy , and prosperous Lunar New Year filled with

 The spiritual blessings of Buddha Dharma and feeling of Enlightenment all the time.

我祝願你們有個非常快樂, 健康, 與繁榮的農曆新年.

新的一年, 願充滿了佛法的精神加持, 與時時刻刻都有證悟之感受.


 I pray that all your wishes come true spontaneously and Miraculously.

我祈禱所有你的心願都能任運自然與奇蹟般的實現  !


 May you always enjoy inner peace, joy, longevity and a happy noble family!

願你總是享受內在的清明和平, 喜悅, 長壽, 與高貴的家庭!


 May you treasure every moment of this our precious human life with the

 Attitude of Gratitude !

願你珍惜生命中的每一刻, 讓珍貴難得的人生充滿的感恩的態度 !



 Yes, my Kalachakra Retreat is going very well!

是的, 我時輪金剛的閉關進行的非常好!

 On Retreat all activities become virtue and great benefit to others.

當閉關時, 所有的活動皆是善行, 而且將對眾生有極大的助益.

 I wish I could stay in retreat the rest of my life, but I need to come

out and be with my Dharma brothers and sisters for the time being.

我希望餘生都能在閉關中度過, 但是有時我還是需要出來與我的佛法


 I really wish that one day you could experience the wonderful joy and

 happiness of this kind of spiritual Retreat !


Tashi Delek !

札西德勒 !  吉祥如意 !

 Happy Lunar New Year and all the best wishes to you all !!!

農曆新年快樂, 與祝你擁有最好的一切!!!






Some of my thoughts and Dharma teachings for you !

與你分享一些我的想法與開示 :


I wanted to share the words of wisdom.


It is a very special and auspicious opportunity to mix with our mind with our

Root Guru’s mind; Especially when I am in Retreat !

能將自心與根本上師的心靈融合是非常殊勝的機會; 特別是當我在閉關中!

 Ho ! E Ma Ho !!!

!  耶瑪霍!!!

The essence of Compassion is Emptiness! The essence of Wisdom is Emptiness!

The essence of Mind is Emptiness!  The Essence of Samsara is Emptiness !

The essence of Nirvana is Emptiness! The essence of all Existence is Emptiness!

慈悲的本質是空性! 智慧的本質是空性!

意識的本質是空性! 輪迴的本質是空性!

涅槃的本質是空性! 所有存在的本質都是空性!

Nothing lasts forever but the effects of our actions last forever. I am not enlightened but everything enlightens me! Oh Yes, I feel this is the Ultimate Dharma!

沒有什麼是永恆的, 但是我們行為的結果是持久的. 我並非證悟的人, 但所有的事啟發教導了我. 是的, 我覺得這就是最終佛法!


When I am in Retreat life is completely wonderful!  I can talk or not talk ;

laugh or not laugh; sing or not sing; dance or not dance; be serious or not be

serious; draw a picture or not draw anything; pray or not pray ; meditate or not

meditate ; agree or not agree; go somewhere or stay right here ;  live or die ------

it tastes the same ! 

當我在閉關中, 生活是完全的美好!  我可以說話, 或不說話; 歡笑或不笑; 唱歌或不唱歌; 跳舞或不跳舞; 認真或不認真; 畫圖或什麼都不畫; 祈禱或不祈禱; 靜坐或不靜坐; 同意或不同意; 到處走動或停留這裡; 活或死--- 滋味都相同!   

 Everything is very flexible and happy !


 To die happily brings the good fortune of securing a higher rebirth.

 Do not throw future lives to the wind by being miserable! 

當死亡時能保持快樂, 將帶來好運至較高的轉世.


Be Content.  Be Happy.  Be Joyful .

要知足! 要快樂! 要喜悅!

 Then all the blessings, food fortune and enlightened qualities will stick with us

very nicely. The rhythm of my heart sings, happy joyful!! Happy Joyful!!!!

那麼所有的加持, 好運, 與證悟的特質將圍繞於我們.

我心中的歌聲旋律, 快樂喜悅!!! 快樂喜悅!!!!



Wherever I go, East , West, North, and South , all my activities , I have the mood , energy and willingness to sacrifice time, money, sleep, 

  comfort so on, in order to benefit others and practice pure Dharma . I feel very lucky for this wonderful opportunity to achieve and share 

  all the Virtuous accomplishments. 

不管我到那裡, 東方, 西方, 北方, 與南方, 所有我的活動. 我都有這樣的心情, 精力與意願犧牲我的睡眠,金錢,時間,舒適等, 只為了能利益他人, 與修行純淨的佛法. 我覺得非常幸運, 有這樣美好的機會, 能完成與分享所有的善行成就.

It is a fantastic blessing, isn't it ? 

Oh, yes ! 

這是不是極其美妙的加持呢 ?! 

   In every lifetime I have always been very happy . In this life I am really happy and tremendously joyful and grateful for everything! 

每一世的生命中, 我都是非常快樂. 此生, 我更是非常快樂, 而且極其喜悅, 與感恩所有的一切!

  The reason is that I have been so spiritually blessed and super lucky to have received the real and authentic Buddha Dharma teaching,   the proper training and the Lineage Blessing  from my Root Guru and all the Lineage Lamas right back to Vajradhara  and Buddha Shakyamuni!!! 

理由是精神上,我是如此的被加持祝福,與如此幸運的接受了純真的佛法教導, 適當的訓練與源自釋迦牟尼佛與金剛總持的傳承加持.







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Wherever you are, I wish that you, your family and friends, and all of us, have much Peace, Love, Good Health, freedom from harm, Happiness, and Greater Enlightenment in the coming year.

·         May you have the Best of the Best, and may your Dharma-Activity vastly expand in 2010.

·         May you attain Enlightenment as soon as possible.

·         May your heart be inseparable from the Three-Jewels and Three-Roots.

·         May all miraculous accomplishments arise a quickly as possible.



As the wind passes through the fluttering prayer flags my sincerest greetings are carried over the face of the earth reaching everyone.


Within the sacred flames of the perpetually burning butter lamps are my deepest wishes for blessings, peace and happiness on Earth.


Like the rhythm of my own heart, the melodic chants of ancient prayers from mountain monasteries bring waves of joyous harmony and well-being, keeping you in health and establishing you in happiness throughout a long life upon a peaceful planet.


·  不論你在哪裡, 我祝福你與你的家人和朋友,  與我們所有人, 能有更多的和平與愛, 良好的健康,免於傷害, 快樂幸福, 與更多的證悟.


·  祝福你擁有最好的一切, 願你的佛法活動在2010年廣大開展.


·  願你盡快得到證悟


·  願你心與三寶與三根本不分離


·  願所有奇蹟成就盡快升起.


當微風飄過那天馬旗時,將會把我衷心的祝福, 帶給所有的衆生.




那古老祈請文音符般唱頌從高山的寺廟中飄揚出來,如同我心靈的旋律, 為這片土地帶來喜悅的和諧與幸福, 在這和平的地球上永保你快樂與長壽.























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日子有苦有甜  雖然緣份很簡單  但友誼是絕對真摰

我們的相聚可能短暫或長久  但緣份卻永遠鞏固  時時刻刻思維著:

有一種距離叫做遙遠  有一種東西叫做緣份

有一種關係叫做天意  而我的祝福伴隨在你左右

我希望你永遠快樂   做個有用的人 !

讓我們一起分享仁愛  慈悲  菩提心與利他包容的宇宙性智慧 !

我們過去世所做的   創造了這一生

現在所做的      將會創造我們的來生 !

一旦開始  就沒有所謂的遲與快

一旦開始試  就不再有難易的區分

一旦思維  一定可以找出意義

一旦開始合作   就沒有快與慢的差別

若以感恩的心看待  則沒有無用的人 與不需要的事物

若開始挑戰目標  就一定可以達成

若願意犧牲  則夢想一定可及.




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今天中午 用手機傳給我  這首 證道歌(Doha)

當下 莫名的感動 落下淚來~  (前一天晚上跟老師 討論很多問題)

這兩.三年來  看到太多太多自私自利的人~ 複雜的人性 和 喜說謊 討好人的人......

太多 表面上 穿戴光鮮亮麗(名牌)  自以為 身邊接觸都是有錢人.......

表現出來 盡是 高傲與不屑的態度  甚至於 瞧不起人~ 

另一種人 則是很自卑. 沒自信 ,  時時刻刻表現的像刺蝟一般  保護自己

唉  真是悲哀的人生~ 自己完全不自覺~

其實  這些人的心靈 是 非常地 空虛 與 貧窮的.

當您的心靈是富裕的時候 ,  所追求的事與物, 所看見的視野與世界 一定是大大不同的.

感恩  感謝  我的上師

深深體會到老師的慈悲. 大愛 與 用心 . 

期許 自我心靈層級上 的 進步與提昇.



在山之間 ,  在山之間沒有平靜

In the mountains , there is no peace in the mountains.

在道路上 ,  在道路上沒有平靜

On the roads , there is no peace on the roads.

在城市中 , 在城市中沒有平靜

In the cities ,  there  is   no  peace   in  the  cities

你沒有平靜 ,  他沒有平靜

You have no peace , he has no peace

我的煩悩 ,  常留在我的心靈

My troubles are lodged in my mind.

我的努力 ,  我的努力沒有帶來平靜

My endeavors ,  my endeavors  lead  to  no  peace

我的心靈 ,     我的心靈沒有平靜

My mind , my mind has no peace.



There  is  no peace here . 


There  is  no  peace  over  there

當心靈被安撫 ,   無邊的事物都被安撫

When the mind is pacified , boundless things are  pacified.

當心靈被淨化 ,  無邊的事物都被淨化

When  the mind is pacified , boundless thing  are  pacified.

結論是: 直到您征服心靈的迷惑,

In conclusion , until you conquer   the   mind's  illusions

發掘出心靈的精粹之前 , 是不會有平靜的

and  discover  mind's  essence , there will no  peace

心靈是萬事萬物的根本 ,

Mind  is  the root  of  every   thing ,

心靈是萬事萬物之王 ,

mind   is  the  king  of     every  thing ,

因此要留心注意心靈 ,  那絕對的心靈

so  pay  attenion  to  the  mind  ,  the  ultimate mind .

然後 ,  您就會有機會去看到那自然的平靜

Then   you  will  have    the  chance to  see  the    natural  peace

那就是 心 的本質.

that  is  the  mind's  nature.







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我對他人的關心 ,  越來越多

我很在意去了解 , 證悟那溫柔的接觸

我很在乎,  那精神上誠懇的友誼



我的希望就是 ,  我所有的父母親们都有希望

我的祈禱就是 ,  為了我所有的兄弟姊妹们而祈禱

我的願望就是 ,  為了所有的眾生而發願







I care for others more and more

I care to know enlightenment 's gentle touch

I care for spiritual and faithful friendships

I care about the simple comfort for all beings


The hope that I have , is a hope for all my fathers and mothers

The pyayer that I have , is a prayer for all my borthers and sisters .

The wish that I have , is a wish for all sentient beings


I will try more and more enlightened qualities

I will try for noble feelings

I will try for natural harmony

I will try for peace and loving kindness




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When the Mind is purified the Self Attains Buddhahood

當自心完全清淨 , 本身就是佛




Prostrating to the Buddha here.


Prostrating to the Buddha there.


Where is the Buddha ultimately ?

您在尋覓佛 , 他在尋覓佛

You seek the Buddha , he seek the Buddha.


Every one seek the Buddha


It is not the same as cultivating Buddhahood in yourself.

我在培養佛果 , 他在培養佛果

I cultivate Buddhahood , he cultivates Buddhahood.


Every one cultivates Buddhahood.


Ultimately granting the attainment of the authentic fruition.

在這世界上 , 有佛也有魔

There are Buddhas and Demons in this world.


These Buddhas and Demons are all created by the self.

當善念升起 , 祂们就是佛

When virtuous thoughts arise , they become Buddhas.

當惡念升起 ,它们就是魔

When evil thoughts arise , they become Demons.


Seeking egolessness and benevolence, one becomes a Buddha.


Seeking self-interest at the expense of others, one becomes a Demon.


When the mind is pure, the self becomes the Buddha.


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在澤天法王的心靈世界, 是一個莊嚴寧靜的天國宮殿, 沒有煩惱爭執, 只有安寧溫馨,

鼓勵和希望與珍貴的開示.    澤天法王 八歲 開始寫證道歌( Doha )    直 到現在   從沒間斷過.



I never ever want to sorrow  


I never ever want to see hate


Forever I want to feel joy


Forever I want to feel loving grace



I never ever want to see pain


I never ever want to see sadness


Forever I want to have compassion 


Forever I want to know virtues 


保持正面的心態及給予幫忙 , 是一切事物的關鍵

Being positive and helpful ,  is the key to everything


Look for the creative power within

認清您想要的 , 是否正確

Make sure what you want is right to have

在您的心扉及心靈中 ,   您可以看到它慢慢的展開 

You can see it unfolding, within your heart and mind





















































































































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